In the expansive world of interior design, SUBFRAME stands as a defiant force against the suffocating grip of conformity. Our ethos goes beyond mere decoration; it's about infusing spaces with soul, purpose, and an unparalleled touch of the extraordinary. Each meticulously crafted object seamlessly marries functionality with artistry, becoming a testament to our unwavering commitment to purposeful design.

We defiantly challenge the entrenched belief that design is the exclusive playground of elite academy graduates and posh design institutions. We reject this elitist mindset. Harnessing the organic forms of nature, raw energy of street culture, and the rebellious spirit of counter-cultural movements, our creations pulsate with audacity and individuality. Beyond mere aesthetics, our creations are layered with mysticism, hinting at unexplored parallel worlds and uncharted territories, crafted for souls unafraid to embrace their distinct narratives.

When a our artwork finds its home, it does more than just occupy space; it transforms, ignites conversations, and evokes profound emotions. We craft not for the masses but for the protagonists and renegades—the individuals who refuse to be mere spectators in their own stories. With SUBFRAME, step into a universe where each object serves as a portal, bridging the tangible with the mystique.
€ 150.00 EUR
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Subframe Lamp
Asperiores aut autem et soluta autem libero voluptatem. Sit eius quisquam. Non repellat quia consequatur nam reiciendis et. Illum eos quia et veritatis fugiat eveniet
€ 45.00 EUR
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Subframe T-Shirt
Asperiores aut autem et soluta autem libero voluptatem. Sit eius quisquam. Non repellat quia consequatur nam reiciendis et. Illum eos quia et veritatis fugiat eveniet
€ 94.82 EUR
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Unbranded Steel Salad
Asperiores aut autem et soluta autem libero voluptatem. Sit eius quisquam. Non repellat quia consequatur nam reiciendis et. Illum eos quia et veritatis fugiat eveniet